A BIG salute!

about 5 years ago

The way in which the police officers across the country have been on the frontline, its indeed a hats off. And this story from Kerala put them further up on the pedestal.

A few police officials of Vithura police station in Kerala's Thiruvananthapuram district are taking time off to teach students at a tribal hamlet inside the forest. And its not like as though they just walk up to the hamlet – they need to walk 6kms through a forest and scale hills to get to their settlement, after which they teach the children. And all this effort to teach 9 children from 19 families.  The locals built a 300 square feet classroom with reeds and bamboo and the police arranged the study centre.

Not just that, they have even turned their police station, Janmaithri station into a child-friendly station, with facilities installed for online classes. Children from a tribal hamlet close by attend the classes there.

Guess no one better than the police to know the importance and relevance of education for a better quality of time. A big salute to these police officers!