'Crooked' are the ways....

If you have ever travelled to San Francisco, you are sure to have seen or driven down the “most crooked street” in the world.
Known for its 27-degree slant and sharp curves, the people living around this street are a harassed lot. Due to over two million annual visitors, and daily queuing for up to 10 hours, traffic congestion on and around the 1000 block of Lombard Street in the City and County of San Francisco (known as the "Crooked Street") has deteriorated the safety and quality of life for residents of the Crooked Street and surrounding community.
To tackle this, On April 16, San Francisco's Board of Supervisors unanimously gave its nod to a state legislation that requires people who want to drive down the street to make a reservation and pay a fee. The plan is to impose a $5 per car fee, with the rate going up to $10 on weekends and holidays. Visitors would need to register for a time and date in advance.
One potential bit of good news is that the pricing system will not apply to pedestrians who want to walk down Lombard Street.
As we have said time and again, tourism is a double edged sword, its needed and sometimes, it is not needed.