Designer hazmats?

The idea of travelling by plane is scary, even after the lockdown is lifted, the fear will linger on. Ditto for use of any public transport or places where there are a lot of people – in India, this might mean almost anywhere on the streets, shops, malls, theaters. And many are now talking about the increase in the use of Hazmat suits.
Do not be surprised to soon see designer hazmat suits, helmets, gloves, thermal foil blankets. At least for some time now, the fashion industry might be designing ‘suits’ which look fit for an apocalypse.
Naomi Campbell was seen in early March getting into a flight in a complete hazmat suit and that time, everyone jeered her for being such a huge germophobic but it now looks like that’s where we all are headed! Singer Erykah Badu was also seen wearing a white hazmat suit with the Louis Vuitton logo and motifs spray-painted on it.
Indonesia has begun mass scale production of hazmat suits for hospitals and yes, hazmut suits are already available on Amazon though we don’t know when it will get delivered. The suits we see now are all plain and simple but be prepared to see “designer” wear as this protective wear is here to stay till a vaccine comes or a cure comes.