Dream job

Oh to have a job on an island! The tranquil sea, beautiful sights and just peace. Isn’t that how one can picture living on an island? You fancy working on an Irish island for real?
Well, here is the opportunity. Great Blasket Island is looking for two people, it could be either a couple, relative or even two friends, to run and manage accommodation and a coffee shop on the island.
The job runs from 1st April 2020 till October 2020, accommodation and food provided. The job responsibility - running three cottages that can accommodate 21 people each and ensuring that their F&B needs are taken care of.
Sounds easy-peasy? Here is the catch – you will have to live life with the basics only, there will be no electricity, no WiFi and no hot showers. It will be only fires, candles, wildlife and nature. Gas hobs are used to heat water, and there’s a small wind turbine that generates just enough power to charge a single device. No wi-fi? Surely for majority people that would be the biggest dampner!
It does not to matter as 24,000 people have already applied. Well, you can also try your luck and email to: info@greatblasketisland.net for details.