Give this a hear!

about 5 years ago

Iván Fischer is a very well-known Hungarian conductor and composer and he is making news, not about his music, but how he has created a mask for the pandemic which enhances the acoustic experience.

Indeed, this is an invention which has turned a pandemic necessary tool into an experience. The Budapest Festival Orchestra returned to performing audiences in September. As part of measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, audience goers are required to wear masks in the concert venue and the hall throughout concerts. Fischer realized that the mask could become a great instrument itself.

This mask features two life-sized hands made out of transparent plastic that cup around the ears. Just as we cup our palms around the ears to listen better, the hands bring in better acoustics, with warmer undertones and clearer, sharper contours.

Available in glittery black and white versions, the masks can be purchased online for about $37 and is very popular with the orchestra’s audience. Dozens of audience members were wearing the mask only a day after they were made available. Now isn’t this known as “having a great ear for business?”

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