Growing magic

about 5 years ago
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The rundown and dilapidated vehicles in the dump grounds are always an depressing sight. Breeding grounds for diseases, drugs and robbers, there is always this fear lurking in the mind whenever we go past such a dump ground in the night.

And that’s why this fantastic idea from Kerala to turn these grounds into beautifully green patches is so inspiring. Kerala police department has come up with a sustainable idea to utilise the abandoned vehicles rusting at the station premises. The police officials at Thrissur district's Cheruthuruthy have started growing organic vegetables on these confiscated vehicles.

One of the police officers involved on the project was a farmer and he is the one who hit upon this idea, taking care of cultivation, guiding the others through the entire process.

It all began with a few mini lorries which had been caught for sand and soil smuggling, Sitting idle on the ground, three months ago, they hit upon this idea to use these lorries themselves, laden with soil to cultivate vegetables. They harvested the first batch and gave the veggies to be used in the police canteen. And that’s how they will now use the vehicles. Once again, something which all dump yards across the country can most certainly do.

Yes, you can create life, magic from dump too!

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