Indeed thought provoking

Stadiums are usually associated with being these huge structures which comes to life only when there is a match; rest of the time it stands like a huge waste of money and space.
Austria has come up with one of the best ideas ever. Wörthersee Football Stadium in Klagenfurt has been transformed into a magnificent forest for a new project by Swiss artist Klaus Littmann.
The huge pitch, located near Lake Wörthersee in the southern Austrian state of Carinthia, is now lined with around 300 trees, some weighing up to six tons each.
It's made up of a diverse range of tree species such as alder, aspen, white willow, hornbeam, field maple and common oak.
The juxtaposition of the imposing trees sprouting up alongside the stadium's spectator seats, concrete ground and floodlights is a powerful sight.
According to Littmann, the aim is to "challenge our perception of nature and question its future" and symbolizes the notion that nature "may someday only be found in specially designated spaces."
What a powerful way to send a message! And indeed very thought provoking. Looking at the way in which we are going about destroying nature in the name of development, there will come aday when trees will become art installations.