New normal, new needs

Necessity is the mother of invention and looks like this pandemic has given rise to many new inventions as we try to live with the virus, in what we call, “the new normal.”
Even if we are wearing gloves, the fear of touching door knows, using the ATM machine public toilets, use of the elevator, office space; everything has become a source of concern. And looking at this as an opportunity, Seriptorium Printing Solutions, a start-up at ASPIRE-TIDE business incubator in the University of Hyderabad (UoH) has created “cofi no-touch door opener.”
This is small attachment which can be used to avoid direct contact in public places - to open/close a door, push lift button, on/off switches and hang carry bags to avoid contamination. The handy design with two central holes allows you to handle the device with ease and do all operations without exerting much force.
‘Inspired’ by international designs, this company has made changes to suit our needs and printed 3D versions of a few and they are now available on Amazon.
29th May 2020 at 10:29 am