New “online” format

Where there is a will, there is a way.
This inspiring story from Solapur in Maharashtra really warms the heart. With many children not having access to smart phones or computers, teaching then online or via social distancing is impossible. And if the teachers give up, let these children wither away just because they have poverty will only push them further into more poverty.
And to overcome this, Nilamnagar school is Solapur has found a new way of imparting education by painting walls of houses in the vicinity with lessons from textbooks of various subjects of Classes 1 to 10.
The entire walls of the community, some 300 homes have become the “black board”. To ensure social distancing norms, students, as per their convenience, go and stand in front of a particular wall to revise the lessons, even take down their notes.
The “lessons painted” on the walls are not just illustrations but everything including prose and composition, letter writing, numbers, word and sentence formation, grammar, mathematical formulas, general knowledge and lessons from various other subjects.
Now isn’t this a novel “online” format of education?