Teaching another lesson

This pandemic has really shown us the huge divide of the States – how some states, which have invested well in healthcare and education are today leading the fight while those who concentrated on just economic progress and jobs, are today faring the worst.
Kerala is undoubtedly the winner state of India today. The way the state has led the fight against covid and having the healthcare system to cope with it shows years of investment and giving it a priority. The rest of India is today learning from them about the way to tackle the crisis.
And looks like we can get a lesson from them for education too. While many schools plan to shift to online forum, what about students who neither have a TV nor an internet connection or smart phone? Does that mean they cant get the schooling required and which is their right?
To deal with this, Kerala is starting the ‘Neighbourhood Study Centre’ wherein students who do not have access to a television, smartphone or internet will have a a classroom and subsidized TV will be provided to air VICTERS channel and accommodate students while following social distancing norms. For the first week at least 1.2 lakh laptops, over 7,000 projectors and nearly 4,545 televisions have been readied for students who may need them. After the first week of trial, starting coming Monday, the government would invite feedback from all stakeholders and make necessary corrections.
Now isn’t this the kind of planning all states need to make as schools are set to reopen by mid-June and we have no plans in place.