The last lap

In the olden days, circus was a really big deal! Remember the Great Bombay Circus? It was a huge rave and people bragged about it, if they had seen it, it was like as though they had seen some superstar show. But it was then.
Today, circuses itself have lost their relevance; cruelty to animals and then the people employed has taken over the feeling of goodness which those days of innocence brought. Thus it was sad to learn that the Great Bombay Circus is on its way to extinction.
This 200-member circus troupe, have been waiting out the lockdown from an empty ground in Mannargudi district of Tamil Nadu. Their last show was on March 16, when the Circus was ordered to close on account of Covid 19. With business on the decline, and costs running up to Rs 2 lakh a day, the 100-year-old circus company had plans to wind up in 2021.
The circus is now raising funds on the crowdfunding platform Milaap to meet the needs and pay its employees. If nothing works the circus company might even resort to broadcasting its performance online. People have tried that in the past, but it wasn't exactly successful. But if that is the last way out….the last shot.