Use your time well

Don’t know what to do now that the lockdown has been extended till 3rd May? Do not despair. Maybe you can add a new skill or learn something new. How about getting a certification course online from none other than the crème de la crème – Harvard?
Harvard has put out a list of 64 of its online courses, for free. Some course are a week long and some might take up 15 weeks to complete. There are levels in these – you can opt for the introductory – the easiest and then graduate to intermediate and finally go for advanced. The learning is self-paced – you can decide the speed of study. The courses are available on edX, a popular online learning platform and nonprofit founded by Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Right from courses on Hinduism to Lessons from Ebola, Accounting, literature, data science, law, art and design; there is something which could interest most of us.
And once you are done, you get a “Verified Certificate.” Now isn’t that some great use of time. Apart from life lessons, you can use the Covid to learn more.
You can get the details here -