A "cool" innovation

By Research Desk
about 12 years ago


With the October heat coming calling, those riding to and fro from work everyday, would truly appreciate this “cool” innovation from this Gujarat based company. Known as the Samsons group, it has developed the Joyride brand of seat covers.   This seat cover absorbs less heat and makes it 12 to 20 degree cooler in extreme heat conditions.

The company has a soft launch last year and it has already sold over 2 lakh seat covers in Gujarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. It has since then become a success and now the company has launched this formally. It costs is nominal at Rs.450 per piece though costs more than the traditional covers currently available in the markets. The technology used for the seat cover is the same as the one used by NASA for its astronauts. This uses the Phase-Changed Materials (PCMs) technology,  a concept which was first used by Harley Davidson some 20 years ago.

The company is also ready to launch a helmet that keeps the rider’s head relatively cool. This helmet is expected to reduce sweating by around 30% and in the sweltering heat, when heat is what prevents people from wearing helmets, this new technology might just make riders safer. Its heart warming to see such innovations happening in India and that too being sold commercially.

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