A makeover??

Air India is currently considering a makeover. Wait, do not get overjoyed or even feel remotely happy. This makeover has got nothing to do with its upkeep of timing or better service. This is about designing new uniforms for the cabin crew.
There are some 4000 cabin crew members and the airline is under the misguided notion that if it gives new uniforms to its staff, things will turn around. Talk about living under a cloud with misconstrued priorities.
The need for this makeover does not make any sense as the cabin crew were provided with new uniforms only last year and within a year, they are ready for new ones. If only the management had learnt to probably get feedback from customers or conduct a survey and realize that people do not travel on Air India for good , well clothed cabin crew. If they give a makeover to punctuality, safety and security and this deep rooted fear that overhead storage space doors could come crashing down on the head or doors may open up midair, they maybe people might start even noticing the uniforms.
This is wasteful expenditure especially when it comes tax payer’s pockets.