A path breaking technology

By Research Desk
about 12 years ago

India is facing a huge issue of counterfeit currency notes and the govt continues to wrack its brains on ways and means to control this menace. Maybe USA has a technology which might help us resolve this issue – nanotechnology.

Using this next generation technology, under development is a new pathbreaking anti-counterfeiting authentication technology known as Nanotech Security. This company has developed what is branded as a KolourOptik system wherein security images are not actually printed. It involves no dyes, inks or pigments, but uses structured holes that use ambient light to show color — “printing” for the 21st Century. The software creates unlimited color and pattern choices and the technology uses billions of nanoholes that each trap a single wavelength of light.  Nano-technology produces images that is 1,500 times thinner than a human hair and is the first of its kind used to create anti-counterfeiting security features.

This is precisely what a country like India needs. Though this will take a while to be developed and actually be sold as a technology, it is an option which is at least there now. Maybe our own Indian software engineers can use their grey cells and instead of developing always of the USA, develop something for India.