Amazon's delivery goes wrong!

Wow! Who would have thought that one day we will be comparing Wal-Mart with Amazon? That would have been like comparing peaches and grapes but after the news about the way in which the employees at Amazon work, now they do not look so different.
Amazon was considered to be one of those ethically very high kind of company. In fact it was a big thing on ethical investors list but no more! A New York Times expose published Sunday on Amazon’s culture where it describes the place where the intentional approach is to create a soulless, dystopian workplace where no fun is had and no laughter heard. Employees are made to work, come what may and at ay cost of their health as long as they deliver. The work deadlines are so brutal that it seems it is very routine for staffers to be seen crying at their desk or where engineers routinely take their laptops into the toilet stall.
We said Wal-Mart earlier because it is one of the most infamous companies in USA when it comes to poor wages and brutal work environment. But if we look at Amazon clearly and not from the high moral ground, then we have to concede that almost every work place, be it India or anywhere in the world, is brutal. Especially the IT industry. Every organization makes its employees work their backside off when on projects. Ask any software engineer and he will vouch for it.
So to single out Amazon might not be correct. Yes but whether Amazon likes it or not, agrees or disagrees, the fact remains that damage has been done and it needs to work fast to protect its reputation. In a country where how you treat your work force is considered as one of the aspects of investing data, surely Amazon cannot afford to sit and ignore this damaging report.
PS: Can we ever have such reports ever coming out from Indian companies?