Any takers?

Right from childhood, we all would have grown up reading about ‘bhoots.’ It used to always be invariably about a woman wearing a white saree or hands and feet which are ‘ulta.’ And then there used to be debates about whether ghosts exist or they are just mythical.
Thus it comes as a very fascinating piece to learn that Banaras Hindu University (BHU) has started a six-month certificate course in ‘Bhoot Vidya’, or paranormal science. The Varanasi-based varsity has begun the first batch of which is scheduled to begin from January 2020 under the Ayurveda faculty. This ‘Bhoot Vidya’ is a part of eight basic branches of Ashtanga Ayurveda.
The department has decided to run two batches of 10 students each per year. The course fee has been kept at Rs 50,000 per student. Admissions to BHU’s ‘Bhoot Vidya’ course will be done on merit basis.
Cannot help but wonder what exactly they will teach but does sound very fascinating, doesn’t it? And wonder what “merit” admission means for a course like this…anyone planning to enroll?