As we develop, the price we pay

Companies have to deal with all kind of problems – right from water, land, permits, people, govt… the list is endless. But Nalco seems to have a problem of a unique kind. The company has been advised to remain alert after sunset to elephant movement in its mining areas in Koraput district to avert accidents. Its mine is in an area where elephants frequently move , especially in red mud, an industrial waste, and ash ponds which is used for disposal of fly ash of an unit.
And to keep off the elephants, the PSU has been asked to constitute a 10-member patrolling squad who will keep a watch-out for elephants, between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. It has also been advised to dig trenches and build a 4-metre high stone wall around the ponds. Over and above all this, it has been asked to provide low voltage power fencing or solar fencing around the red mud and ash ponds and to respond to forest officials’ alert on movement of elephants.
This is a direct clash between environment and development. Nalco has encroached on the areas which essentially first belong to the elephants and today, they themselves are being kept away. This is indeed the price which one has to pay for growth and economic development. Ironic that we at the same time worship the elephant God and today, use such methods to keep them away. Strange are the ways of development!
14th Mar 2017 at 04:47 pm
14th Mar 2017 at 04:45 pm