ATWs needed more than ATMs!

We know ATMs… they dispense money anytime. We also have seen and read milk ATMs and unique to Dubai, a gold ATM. But facilitating a much basic and fundamental need of human beings, a water ATM is expected to come up soon on water parched Hyderabad. Soon to become a common sight, there will be kiosks with water dispensers, modelled after Automated Teller Machines (ATMs), across the city costing Re. 1 for a litre of chilled water.
While Telangana is not yet ready with a launch date, it was very heart warming to read that a village in Maharashtra’s Raigad district has already taken the lead. Borze village in 2015, not waiting for the Govt which as such not doing much, the villagers themselves got together with a private sector company and designed a machine which sells water – ATW or any time water. The local gram panchayat distributed 400 electromagnetic ATW cards to the villagers. With a swipe of their card, a person would get twenty litres of clean drinkable water for just Rs. 10.
The most wonderful aspect to the Borze ATW is not majority of the villagers have never in their life ever seen an ATM. Well, we in the city living amidst ATMs have never seen an ATW, right?