Being a chef is cool!

Some twenty odd years ago, when Sanjeev Kapoor started his career as a chef, it was a novelty. After all, it was an unheard concept that a man would choose to be a cook in a typically woman’s domain.
In the past twenty years, however, things and people’s perception have changed drastically. Cooking is now ‘cool’ and being a chef is no longer looked down upon. In today’s age of technology, you don’t have to work in a restaurant to be called a chef. A person with their own YouTube channel and/or a blog, with a decent following is considered a chef too. Everyone is turning entrepreneur these days and wants to turn their hobby into a source of income and business. And, a chef job pays well too. A second in command to the chef at a well-known 4 or 5 star hotel takes home salary of Rs.12-15 lakhs per annum. Executive chefs, on the other hand, earn up to Rs.25 lakh per annum. The ‘online’ chefs earn well too, getting paid per click.
In a rare subversion of gender stereotypes, cooking and turning chef is not just the new cool but also a guy thing to do! And, are girls complaining in this new ‘guy thing’? Don’t think so!