Blessed is his soul

Some stories that come out of rural India are truly inspirational. And this one, of a doctor with a social cause is so heartwarming.
This is a story about Dr.Ganesh Rakh. His father was a day labourer and his journey to becoming a doctor would surely have been an immensely motivational one. In 2007, he started his own 25-bed general and maternity hospital in Hadapsar, Pune. This aim of the hospital was to provide services to the underprivileged.
He provides selfless service but more importantly, he started a new practice – any girl child delivered at his clinic would be free of charge and the hospital staff distributes sweets. This movement has since then caught on. Some 17-18 gram panchayats and hundreds of doctors got in touch with him, not only willing to help but pledging that they would never conduct a sex determination test and motivate families to welcome girl child into the family. Till date, nearly 3,000 doctors from the interiors of Maharashtra have joined his cause of fighting social biases and prejudices against the girl child. God Bless Dr.Rakh!
Giving away charity/money to NGOs is good and probably the easiest thing to do. What is more difficult is giving our services, doing work for charity. That takes real effort and a real heart. Do we have it in us to be someone like Dr.Rakh?