Braille menu- food for thought

Have you ever wondered how it would be to depend on someone for every single thing? Be it to walk, cross the road, buy something and even, eat or drink something- you are solely on someone else’s mercy. Well, unfortunately, the disabled and the blind have no escape from their fate. But a restaurant in Bangalore has done something in their own little way to assist them, make blind people’s life easier and give them a sense of independence, at least in the vicinity of their restaurant.
OM, a pure vegetarian restaurant in Bangalore has introduced their entire menu in Braille script. Since their restaurant is located close to a NGO for Blind, and have a lot of visually challenged guests; the Braille menu would make it easier for their guests to order and decide what they would eat and drink, without having someone to read the menu out for them.
This simple thought is the perfect representation of ‘atithi devo bhava.’ No discrimination, no inequality and customer will always remain the king!