Branded cane juice?

It was never the cleanest of places and the people serving you were not exactly hygienic either, but the fresh taste and the small price tag that came with it, made it worthwhile. Sugarcane Juice has not changed over the years, and this has only added to the charm. Now, it looks like that too is about to change with Branded cane juice outlets and ready to drink tetra packs and bottles across the country.
It is very difficult to preserve pressed cane juice as it has a higher content of bacteria and yeast. This lower shelf life is the reason why we do not have cane juice in tetrapacks or off-the-shelves. There is Cane Crush in Bangalore which has sugarcane kiosks. These outlets would live to your standards of quality, cleanliness and hygiene. These outlets use a stainless steel juice machine with an in-built cutter, ensuring your sugarcane juice is literally right from the machine. The automatic machine ensures that the store can be run by one man alone, the cost drastically under control. Another such kiosk is also run by Cane Xpress while Raw Pressery sells sugarcane juice in 250 ml bottles using cold-pressed technology which has a three-day shelf life.
There is R&D on for some time now on increasing the shelf life of sugar cane and King Rudra Sugars in Karnataka’s Kalburgi might be the first to do that soon. Testing is still on but he is confident of launching it by the end of the year.
Whatever it may be, there would certainly be a percentage of Indians who would prefer the dirtier but real version of sugar cane stall. After all, chaat has to be from the street and ghaane ka raas always from our local sugarcane man!
25th May 2017 at 10:03 am
25th May 2017 at 10:02 am