Buying a "VIP' status

Sometimes, the way people spend money for some of the most trivial things, truly baffles one. The latest is this Mumbai businessman spending Rs.12 lakh for a VIP car registration number plate for his car! He has this sum of money, which would have fetched him another car, for a No.1 nnumber plate.
As per rules, if a VIP number is not available from the present series, the Regional Transport Office (RTO) can allot it from a future one, but at triple the price. Last year, a VIP number plate was sold for Rs.4 lakh and the same has now gone up to Rs.12 lakh and the RTO officials say that it could go up further. This kind of craze is usually typical in Punjab amongst rich farmers. Last year a Chandigarh based person bought the CH-01-AN-0001 for Rs 17 lakh. And yes, there is a AK-47 number plate too and its cost of Rs.3-5 lakh!
Well, one can only pity the need for such people to need a number plate to mark their importance. Essentially, they are buying a status. But isn’t true status, where respect comes by itself, based on your work, which draws admiration? This too is a reflection of the times in which we live today.