Child is the father of man

about 8 years ago
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Child is the father of man. This idiom was literally proven right in this heart warming story of a small, first standard child in a small village in Andhra. Six years old Olimuddin has taught us all the best way to eradicate illiteracy in India. A small step of his everyday – coming home from school and every evening, teaching his mother and father everything that he learnt. Juts this repetition of his everyday lessons to his parents has made them literate – thanks to their little child, they both can now read and write! The parents can now sign on the entry register along with the full address whenever they visit their kid's school.

This is not a miracle but the real miracle is the fact that Olimuddin took the effort each day to involve his parents in his studies, instead of them watching at him with pride. The small child has shown us the true meaning of ‘Each One teach One’ and imagine if every child, going to school, comes back home and helps his parents learn? The little child accomplished so effortlessly what the society had failed – imparting education to two adults to make them literate. What a gigantic deed indeed!

More power to Olimuddin and hope that all other children get inspired by this story and take to teaching their parents. Yes, sometimes the solution to some of the biggest problems of life are so simple and so clearly visible; we simply forget to look.

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