Coaches for new-age parents

The age of gadgets and gizmos, cellphones and i-pads, booze and parties, independence and freedom- the modern age where children are being raised today is making many parents lose their sleep. The conventional style of parenting, the methods used by their parents no longer apply to their children.
That’s why; many parents are now turning to ‘parenting coaches.’ With eight and twelve sessions, online and real, ranging anywhere between Rs.8000-20, 000; these consultants provide advice, which was earlier, provided by ‘agony aunts’ and grandmothers. In today’s times, parents want to be friends with their children; they only don’t know how.
The heart of the matter, however, is turning to experts to learn to be a good parent is not a solution. Parenting coaches can guide you through the tedious, lifelong process of parenting but success ultimately lies in your hands and skills. The logic is simple – if you were raised by your parents and you turned out just right, why the need to look outside?