Companies winning back mothers

When the women staff of McKinsey left their jobs to concentrate on family and motherhood, it was simply assumed that it was the end of their career. But, McKinsey is working hard to win their moms back.
The world renowned consulting firm is reaching out to its ex-female employees to see whether they are ready to return. This is a sign that companies are changing their terms and policies, making it a more women friendly environment. It is not just McKinsey, even Bain & Co; are in touch with female alumni and promoting flexible work options. At Bain, more than 100 mothers have returned back to work since 2000. Goldman Sachs is offering ‘returnship’ programs, paying short term jobs targeted at professionals who haven’t worked for years.
Nowadays, most companies are offering flexible working schedules for women. The aim is to ensure that companies are able to get their talented women employees back even after they enter the family life. This is a great move and hope many more companies follow suit and prove that getting married and becoming a mother need not necessarily be the end of the road for their careers.