Dont throw that old mobile!

We all have this problem – a pile of old mobile phones. Unlike other devices like a microwave or fridge or TV, which we replace only when it breaks down, we tend to buy new mobile phones, just to keep in tune with the changing fad. And result is that we have old phones and do not know what to do with it.
Now there is a very responsible and environmentally friendly way to discard those old phones. Log on to this new website – This a new venture started by two young guys and what they do is get your old mobile, repair and refurbish it and resell it. This way the phone, instead of going into the garbage or to the kabadiwallah, gets useful again, more so for someone who really needs it.
How this works - go to the website, pick the brand and model of the smartphone, laptop or tablet he/she wants to sell, and answer some basic questions about the condition of the device. The website has a very accurate market value estimation algorithm that gives users an estimate based on the condition of the phone. Once the customer agrees to sell the device, people from Karma Recycling will come and pick it up from you and send it to one of their service centres – either in Delhi or Bangalore. The device is assessed by engineers, who check if the seller had answered the questions about its condition correctly or not. If yes, the person gets his/her money and, if not, Karma Recycling offers an alternate cost that the user can decline or accept. If declined, the device is returned to the user.
Once repaired, it is redistributed. By redistributing mobile devices on a large scale, Karma Recycling is ensuring that phone devices do not reach landfills before they need to. The recycled phones are sold at cheaper rates too. A phone that is available for about Rs. 20,000 when new is sold for Rs. 8,000 after recycling. The prices vary — some are available in the range of Rs. 1500-3000 as well. This allows a person who cannot afford a branded smartphone to own one and use it for almost three years.
Currently, the phones are sold only through retailers and dealers, but Karma will soon launch an e-retail website called, where customers can place their orders directly.
Now this is what we call an excellent idea sirji!
6th Feb 2017 at 07:22 pm
1st Feb 2017 at 02:44 am
31st Jan 2017 at 01:00 pm
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