Door se darshan?

Remember Doordarshan or DD? After the advent of private TV channels, this Govt owned channel remains the way it has been always – old and staid. Sometimes, if by mistake you land up on any of the DD channels (they have 23 channels now), you cannot help but wonder why DD has never bothered to keep up with the changing times? It has recently tried to change a bit by revamping its channels and adding new shows. It also re-introduced some old TV shows from the 1980s.
But looks like the Govt wants to make attempts to reconnect and this time, the focus is the youth but funnily enough, it thinks this can be done through a mere change of the logo. The state-owned broadcaster Prasar Bharati is planning to revamp logo for Doordarshan.
It has invited entries from public, seeking a design for logo. Its mandate for the logo, “the new logo, while recalling the strong nostalgia associated with the DD brand, should reflect the aspirations of new India.” The last date to send the logo design entries to Doordarshan is August 13, and the best entry will be awarded Rupees one lakh in cash.
The current logo, which symbolises a human eye, has been associated with Doordarshan since 1959.
29th Jul 2017 at 08:10 pm