Doordarshan rocks!

By Research Desk
about 11 years ago


Sometimes when we do this mindless channel surfing on TV, watching TV incessantly but never really ‘seeing’ anything meaningful. At the end of hours of TV watching, if asked what did you see, you always end up saying – some part of a movie, some serial, lots of ads and news. In short, you do not really enjoy anything. And invariably, we end up wondering if the good old days of Doordarshan (DD) were good as we had only one channel; some programs were good but most, when we look back now were excellent in terms of content.

Do you remember the program – Amchi Maati Amchi Manse? This was a half hour agriculture based program, directed towards farmers. We city dwellers never liked it but apparently in rural Maharashtra, farmers who could have access to TV, did see the program. And thus it comes as no surprise to hear that DD is all set to air a 24-hour channel for farmers – DD Kisan. This is likely to go on air on 14th January, the day when harvest is celebrated across the country.

The best part – instead of boring lectures, best practices of agriculture will be told through a story telling format, using folklore, festivals and songs. It will be edutainment for farmers. Among the issues that will be tackled include farm mechanization to overcome shortage of labour, access to markets, adequate storage facilities, best practices in agriculture across the world and use of technology. Maybe we urbanites could also learn a few things from this channel.