E-cards steal the thunder

By Research Desk
about 13 years ago

The advent of technology, naturally means the retirement of something else. Mechanization means retirement of people, arrival of computers meant retirement of typewriters and today, technology is so well seeped, it is even now used to take over all social etiquettes. Like an email or SMS to convey message and social networks to stay in touch.

Just as the advent of emails meant the death knell for the postal services, the arrival of e-cards has now sounded the alarm bells for the season greeting cards.  The demand for Diwali greeting cards has gone down by over 70% due to the advent of e-cards. Assocham conducted a study on Social Development Foundation (ASDF) between the months of September and October and found out that youngsters preferred to do away with the traditional system of greeting cards.  Nearly 80% of survey respondents have switched over to the new means of e-cards, SMS and MMSes.

This is how soon we may get all the wedding invites, doing away with the grand expense one incurs on these wedding cards. But to survive, the greeting card companies have been very smart by coming up with Mother’s Day, Valentine Day, Friendship Day and love cards. These have helped the companies survive though income might not be as rich as it was before e-cards dominated the picture.

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