Each to his own

A club exclusively for men with beard? Yes, that’s right. A wedding planner and event manager from Mumbai has started a new club – Bangalore Beard Club. The objective of his club – allow men to come together and express mutual admiration over a great beard! The goal - to raise awareness about men’s health, via charity events, and to teach members how to grow and maintain an epic beard.
Currently, the club has 12 members, in age ranging from 21 to 67 and the members are chosen through a rigorous selection process. The club wants men from different backgrounds and professions, includes doctors, engineers, even a farmer, social media experts and a newspaper editor too.
For most of us this would seem like such a frivolous club but maybe for the men who are its member, its exactly the thing they were looking for, where grooming and looking good is a priority. Different strokes for different people….