Eager to tag "Indian-born American"
Why are we always so eager and overzealous to add the “India-born American” tag to anyone who makes it big in USA? Sundar Pichai being the latest. The big news actually was that Google, the giant search engine has gone for a complete reorganization. That was really the big news around the world. But we choose to look at only Sundar Pichai, Indian-born American who is now CEO of the newly restructure d Google. There are stories of how he travelled in a bus, never owned a TV when he was small…really!
The point that we are missing here is that we are losing some of our best brains to USA, which in turn is earning all the accolades and not to mention the moolah. Why is it that we are not able to retain talent like Pichai, Nadella, Indra Nooyi in India? That really is a more disturbing question than celebrating something which rightly should have been ours. Some of the biggest corporations in the world are today headed by Indians but why do we as a country fail to have that corporation start in India itself?
Yes, we do not have an atmosphere conducive to nurture and use brains like these. We shroud these productive brains in miles of red tape, dos and donts and never allow it to blossom. USA gives this freedom to the mind, to the intellect, to explore and go where no man/woman has ever gone before. We are slowly learning in India; the bevy of start-ups is a good way forward. So in some small way we are able to retain a smaller portion of the talent and brain in India. Ironically, one of the main objectives of any start-up is that it gets bought over for multi-million dollars by a US company!