Eating at 160 feet?

about 6 years ago
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A dining experience is essentially about the food? Well, not so with this newly opened restaurant in Noida. Here, food is just a reason, the real thing is the rush of adrenaline which comes with being perched some 160 ft up in the air, with the view of the city and feet dangling in the air. Yes, it’s not for the weak stomached!

‘Flydining Noida’ is a newly opened restaurant and the uniqueness – you eat at a table suspended from a crane, some 160 feet above the ground. The place has a table and 24 chairs welded to a platform, which is then lifted into the air for 40 minutes, over the course of which diners are served a mocktail, snacks and dessert.

There are 5-40 minute slots between 6 pm and 12 am and requests are coming in for slots in the afternoon too as ladies want to hold their kitty parties! This ‘experience’ does not come cheap - the price per seat is Rs 2499 from Monday to Thursday, while on the weekends, it rises to Rs 3000.

Yes, safety is the top most priority and the restaurant says that it taken care of at all times. Waiters serve food wearing safety harnesses and are also equipped with walkie talkies in case something goes wrong. 

Well, eating out should be a stress-free, culinary experience. But then for some, the adrenaline is more important. Each to his own….


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