Economy and divorce - together for life!

One would think that rising divorce rates would mean unhappy news, right? Well, that’s not what economists in USA think; they say that this is a progressive sign – it shows that the economy is improving as it means that people who were trapped in marriages for financial reasons are now in good enough financial shape to move on.
Bloomberg conducted a survey and concluded that divorce rates have gone up dramatically and Nevada has come up tops with the highest divorce state in USA. But discounting the fact that Nevada is a ‘wedding destination’, the next state which tops the list is Maine. The survey, which has ranked divorce rates based on states in USA, the rate is highest in the cold north, either on the east or west coast. Mark Zandy of Moody’s has stated that family dynamics change with the economy. With things looking good, birth rates and divorce rates are rising. We may even see them rise strongly in the next couple of years, as households who put off these life-changing events decide to act.
Interestingly, divorces were at a 40-year low in 2009 , with over 1.5 lakh divorces postponed during 2009 to 2011. Its ironic that economy decides family dynamics – go a booming economy is bad for marriages, something with children of divorced parents will concede to.