Engineers unemployable?

An Engineering degree is supposed to be the key to a successful life, one that makes your life and certainly offers you a secure career. In recent times, however, even this coveted degree does not guarantee an entry into the corporate world.
It seems that today majority of our Indian Engineers lack the requisite skills and technical qualifications to get the right job. Has the Engineering degree become a mere rubber stamp? The Engineering colleges of India have outdated syllabus which are not relevant to the needs of the corporate sector. There is a clear disconnect between what is taught and what the industry needs.
Engineering colleges have become marks-generating factories and practical experience is based to the minimal. And of course, you need to have the inclination and intelligence to pursue the Engineering degree, as well. When you are fundamentally weak in basic Engineering subjects of Maths, Physics and Chemistry; simply opting for the stream to gain employment is foolishness. A degree alone will not get you the job, at least not any more.