Environment and not politics

The AAP Govt might have made bus transport free for women for fulfilling its political aspirations but a small country in Europe, a tax haven of sorts, LuxemborgThe AAP Govt might have made bus transport free for women for fulfilling its political aspirations but a small country in Europe, a tax haven of sorts, Luxemborg ,has made all public transport – trains, trams and buses for all free from 1st March, 2020. And it is not politically motivated.
The smallest country in Europe suffers from massive traffic jams and in a bid to make public transport more attractive and help ease the congestion, the Govt decided to take this step. A report in 2016 put the car to people ratio at 662:1000. The economy is doing well and the Govt decided to take this step rather than spend more money on new roads and over bridges.
Luxemborg is half hour drive away from France, Belgium and Germany. Living in the city is expenve but job opportunities are huge; so people live in the cities around and commute to work into Luxemborg everyday.