Every idea can work!

Almost everything that you require in day-to-day life is now delivered at your doorstep but fuel? For that we still have to go the petrol pump and get the vehicle filled up. But maybe that could get delivered home if this startup- mypetrolpump has its way.
This one-year old company, based in Bengaluru is currently conducting a soft launch with three delivery vehicles -each with a capacity of 950 litres. It has already delivered more than 5,000 litres of diesel. Diesel is delivered at the day's running price with a fixed delivery charge. Order is placed either online or through its app.
For up to 100 litres, the one-time delivery charge is Rs.99. Above 100 litres, one needs to pay the diesel price plus one additional rupee per litre. Presently its biggest clients are school buses, some 16 schools and their fleet of 250-300 buses and a few apartments. The vehicles used for delivery have been specially fabricated by a firm approved by the Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organisation.
The promoter of the company is Ashish Gupta, an IIT-Dhanbad student and he left his job at Shell to begin this venture. He decided to deliver only diesel and not petrol as the latter is used mainly in households – bikes and cars while diesel is heavy vehicles, which typically require a huge quantity.
This is a good idea but somehow is makes one queasy to get fuel supplied like this – the safety and adulteration part will remain a big worry.
28th Jun 2017 at 10:08 am