Evolving with changes

We all have become virtually PhDs in Covid. We have been reading and seeing so much about it for the past few months, its almost like most of have become doctors, knowing the names of the medicines and mouthing symptoms as though we see patients everyday.
What we all know for certain is that senior citizens are the one’s affected the most and its imperative they are protected like rare and most precious jewels. In India, where majority of senior citizens still live with sons and daughters, there is no risk of exposure unlike the senior citizen homes. There too, the management and staff are super and extra cautious and it is their responsibility all the more to ensure the old are safe.
Abroad, it is very common to have most of the seniors living in such senior homes and till covid struck, the ad pitch to lure them was very different. Today, the needs are completely different and a whole new pitch has come forth.
Its increasingly being seen that senior homes now typically advertise more about health and safety. And what are the selling points? Stockpiles of PPE, ventilation systems upgraded, surfaces which are made using antimicrobial materials, robots to clean high-traffic areas, plexigalss clean rooms, outdoor spaces for socializing, separate facilities for live-in staff, high speed internet to facilitate snag free calls to families.
See, how one event changes and transforms everything – that’s all it takes.
31st Jul 2020 at 10:29 am