Fitter policemen needed!

It is always such an ungainly sight, actually, more embarrassing and uncomfortable to see pot bellied and completely unfit policemen manning their posts. It always makes one wonder – how can these unhealthy and fat policemen protect anyone in times of crisis. They cannot run to save their own lives, forget saving others! And it also makes one wonder – shouldn’t there be a stipulated health necessity, a mandated weight based on their height and a strict regimen of exercises? They are not army but they are soldiers of our cities; so shouldn’t they also be agile and fit?
Thus it was a great relief to know that starting from 1st July this year; at least the Kerala police will begin a fitness regime. They will be put on a mandatory physical training, with yoga, four days a week. This realization came in after a report which stated that occupational diseases in officers have increased in recent times due to ‘work-related stress and inability to devote time for personal health.’
The Kerala police will also organize physical training programmes in all police stations and police units under them. All officers, including DPCs, police chiefs will take part in the exercise programme though will be optional for officers above the age of 50. The exercises will be for 30-40 minutes and prior to beginning of this much needed program, all officers will undergo a medical check-up.
Whew! This really sounds very good. If only all states adopt this mandatory fitness route and we see fitter policemen manning our streets.