Florida's monkey business

By Research Desk
about 10 years ago

d above all this, the latest most unexpected addition – monkey farms.

Yes, Florida is the place from where monkeys are imported

Florida is famous for many things – Walt Disney world, National Naval Aviation Museum, beaches, palm trees, good weather round the year and some of the wealthiest elderly people settling down. Over an and bred  for sale to biomedical research institutions. Activists are not too happy about this development as they say that it is unnecessary and unethical to use monkeys for testing.  And neither are the residents who say that these monkey farms have become a nuisance.  They are saying that the county was turning into the monkey-cruelty capital of the U.S. They have filed a lawsuit alleged that officials had approved the new monkey farm in violation of certain zoning restrictions and without a public hearing as required by Florida law.

Each year, roughly 20,000 or so monkeys are flown from tropical regions worldwide into the U.S.  Before a new drug or vaccine can go on the market, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration requires safety testing using animals.

Currently, in this tropical county, peace is ruined and a fight is on – one to save the monkeys and the other to save mankind by conducting tests on these monkeys. Whoever wins, it is a losing battle, a typical face-off between environment and development.