For ISRO, sky is the limit

Wish ISRO would speak more about itself, advertise, do some PR and really create this halo around it that it truly deserves.
At least that will help fire up the imagination of the younger generation of India and they can look at making a career in space technology and not become merely another brick in the wall by pursuing to be a computer engineer or a doctor.
The way ISRO is going, this is really where the youth of today, if they have the aptitude should head. Many a times, kids have the aptitude but they are unaware of all that which ISRO does. They aspire to join NASA, not knowing that we are equally good.
ISRO is now getting ready to re-launch Chandrayan-2 after its earlier failed attempt; this is scheduled for beginning of 2019. Also on the agenda are a sun study spacecraft and a Venusian orbiter. But bigger than all these projects is the launch of Gaganyaan, its first manned space mission in the next four years . If successful, it would make India only the fourth member (after Russia, the US, and China) of an elite club of nations with indigenous manned space programmes.
21st Oct 2018 at 08:01 pm
16th Oct 2018 at 12:58 pm
16th Oct 2018 at 12:57 pm