God and charity

When a poor person, a beggar or a charitable organization asks for money; we are reluctant. However, when donating hundreds and thousands to a Saint or for a puja at a temple, we don’t mind at all. In fact, this age old tradition of putting money in donation boxes and hundis at temples is considered a donation, a way of giving back to the Almighty. In this process, temples across the country and especially ‘reputed, powerful’ ones are making millions each year.
The Shirdi Saibaba Temple has earned Rs.1009 crores in the past four years while Siddhivinayak Temple of Mumbai has earned Rs.206 crore. The Vaishnodevi shrine earned Rs.500 crore and the Tirupati temple earned over Rs.1100 crore excluding the fixed deposits in banks. These God serving organizations are undoubtedly making more money each day than we can even imagine but fortunately, these temples are giving a part of it back to the people. Shirdi Saibaba Temple donated 53% of its earnings back to charity while Siddhivinayak gave around 13% back to the poor. The figures donated by Vaishnodevi Temple and Tirupati have not been disclosed.
In ideal situations, 80-90% of the amount collected should be given to various charitable organizations and the rest for the upkeep and maintenance of the temple. But today temples have also become a business where it in many cases it is about filling one’s own pockets, taking care of one’s own interests and not about the greater good of mankind; God comes much later!