Golf and stock markets?

One tries to find so many connections and co-relations between the markets and other things – market and dollar, market and sentiments, market and copper, market and gold, market and monsoon and so on. But the most bizarre one we came across was that between golf and markets, or rather golf and bull run on the bourses. And mind you, there is actually a book penned on this - Kevin Armstrong, banker has authored the book - 'BBBB – Bulls, Birdies, Bogeys and Bears'.
He has said that both are essentially games and both require almost the same set of ‘attitude’ skills. He has said that there are three traits essential for success in both fields - patience, discipline and humility. Humility and golf? Well, he explains that golf is bigger than any individual and the moment anyone thinks they have mastered either field of endeavour they are almost certainly headed for a very rude awakening. Ditto for the market. His entire hypothesis has been based on a chart made of golfers annual earnings and that being earned by CEOs. And when he superimposed both, he found says he found the logical reasoning for his theory – when market booms, gold blooms.
Well, different strokes for different people. But it surely is interesting to see people trying to discern connections between something which is so unpredictable despite all the technology at our behest. If nothing else, it is just another theory which makes interesting drawing room conversation.