Golf course turning muddy

Golf seems to have become a vice in China. The Chinese Govt has found a direct link between corruption and golf. Its finding is that al corrupt deals get struck on the golf course.
President Xi Jinping has now instructed his Govt to look into all ministries who play golf. It has shut down dozens of courses across the country built in violation of a ban intended to protect China's limited supplies of water and arable land. "To prevent unclean behaviour and disciplinary or illegal conduct", the Govt has banned its officials to stop playing golf during working hours.
So what is regarded suspicious with regards to golf in China now? Prohibitions on betting on golf, playing with people connected to one's job, travelling on golf-related junkets or holding positions on the boards of golf clubs. Golf is considered to be a Public Relations tool that businessmen use to hook officials. Said to be the game of capitalists and the super rich, this is something which the Communist country does not want now. And this is not now, even in 1949, when Mao came to power, it was banned and it came back only in 1984. Currently some one million people play this sport. Wonder what happens to the entire eco-system built around golf- right from the caddy to the construction of golf courses and sport equipment maker.
Well, this is obviously not right. Corruption is a character and how can cracking down on golf help change this trait. It needs to be rooted out of people; cant deals be made without golf also?
In India too, our bureaucrats were asked by Modi to stop spending time on the golf course and log hours at works. Was that for the same reason? Once again, getting them to come to work does not ensure that they will work