GSK's med reps to behave!

It is a very common sight; we all might have seen them at one point or the other – weary, tired men, in formal clothes, wearing a tie, walking around with a heavy big black bag – the ubiquitous medical representative. We see them at our neighborhood doctor, patiently waiting their turn. And many a times, we have also wondered, if it is “right”, whether there is no conflict of interest when the doctor prescribes the same medicines which the medical rep gives away as free samples. You cannot help but wonder whether the drug was prescribed because of the freebies or because of its efficacy.
Putting this debate to end is one company – GlaxoSmithKline Pte London, which will no longer pay doctors to promote its products and will stop tying compensation of sales representatives to the number of prescriptions doctors write. This is something which hopefully, will prompt others to also take the same measures.
Maybe, just maybe the medical gravy train is beginning to slow down. If and when the medical device and implant makers stop bribing doctors and hospitals, a new age will have dawned. But what is disturbing is that this questionable “trade” can be brought to a stop only if the one who gives the goodies and freebies stops doing so – where is the doctor’s role in this? Somehow, this speaks volumes about the ethical values of the doctors.