Happy cows ?

Happy cows give milk full of love and high nutritional values? Sounds completely bizarre but in today’s world, we should be prepared to hear anything. This was downright funny! There is this company, Parag Milk Foods, founders of Gowardhan dairies, have a luxury brand of milk – Pride of Cows. Yes, you heard it right – luxury milk! You will not find it at your neighbourhood store or mall as one needs to ‘subscribe’ to get the milk. It is delivered in insulated boxes with ice bags and costs Rs.75/litre compared to other brands which, on an average costs Rs.35 to 50/litre. Nestle was the only other ‘expensive’ brand till date, costing Rs.62/litre. This is available only in Mumbai that too, only in select parts of Mumbai – Bandra and Andheri and in some parts of Pune.
This is the milk which goes to super celebrities of India – Mukesh Ambani, Hrithik Roshan, Sachin Tendulkar amongst many others. It has brand ambassadors like Sobha De and Raj Kundra. It has around 3500 Holstien Friesan cows and they are pampered with music, showers and specially designed nutritional meals. The feed is tailor-made for cows of different ages, and the menu is changed regularly to include fresh seasonal crops and specials. They have soft rubber mats to lie on, streaming music, air-coolers to keep them cool, automated scrubbers to clean them and regular preventive healthcare checks. All this pampering keeps the cows happy and hence the quality of their milk is the best.
Well, its great to know that they will pamper their cows and keep them so happy. But does it mean that the other cows are unhappy and we are drinking milk devoid of “love” and “happiness”? Somehow, this whole thing borders on silly to downright atrocious. Yet, if one looks at ancient times, Lord Krishna, the 'original' Gowardhan used to play his flute for the cows and milk then was stated to be like nectar and pure. So this is probably not all that a bad idea except that it sounds pretty silly!