Home alone?

Daniel Ordoñez has been living strange life ever since the pandemic broke out in March. He is the sole occupant at the luxurious W Hotel in Barcelona, Spain. Yet, it might be quite a spooky experience to walk through the gangways of a hotel where he is only occupant, cooking a meal all alone in a huge, cavernous kitchen and looking into the large gym and spa with everything so quiet.
Well, he is not holidaying - he is in charge of maintenance at the hotel. He is an industrial engineer and he agreed to self-isolate inside in order to avoid any deterioration of the premises that could delay its reopening, whenever that might be.
Apart from opening the taps and allowing water to run for some time in all the 1400 rooms, once in every five days, Daniel also created a huge heart through clever use of curtains and lights. Today, this heart on the front face of the hotel is a beacon standing for solidarity with the health workers and not surprisingly, a selfie point too.
But yes, while we continue to talk about lockdown, what happens to infrastructure which remains shut for two months? Even a car breaks down when not started in 2 months…