If a Lord can get an ID card, why not His devotee?

By Research Desk
about 11 years ago


Recently, Lord Hanuman received his Aadhar Card. In Rajasthan, He has been assigned a 12-digit number as a part of the scheme which seeks to assign Indian citizens a Unique identity linked to their biometrics and fingerprints. His father is listed as ‘Pawan.’

Obviously, this is a prank and someone out there is having a hearty laugh at the government’s expense. And, this Godly Aadhar card distribution is when ordinary human beings are not receiving their Aadhar cards. Despite what we might say, due to inefficiency of government employees and corruption, implementing national schemes have always been a problem in India. The fact that our Indian postal service distributed this card to a ‘fake’ address itself shows the inefficiency. Ideally, the card should have gone back to the Aadhar UID offices with an untraceable tag. Better still, how come the much tom-tommed about IT usage in Aadhar cards was unable to find this and went ahead with the processing? O what kind of security checks are we really talking about?

At a time, when not even half the Indian population has an Aadhar card due to a lack of some ID or Address proof, this divine Aadhar card is a mockery of our system. Seriously, when would the devotees, the mortals and not just sadhus and mortal characters get the right to be a participating, active citizen in the country?