India's first online shopping festival

12.12.12. Everyone has heard about what is going to happen on this day. While no one is really convinced the world is going to end on that day, it is bringing the concept of ‘Cyber Monday’ to India. Cyber Monday is a marketing term similar to Black Friday, persuading people to shop online. India’s first ‘Cyber Monday’ will be on; you guessed it, 12th December, 2012.
The online shopping industry in India is already over $1.5 billion and with this first ever ‘Great Online Shopping Festival’; online shoppers are given an additional reason and incentive to gain from their favorite websites. The festival will see participation from fifty partners such as eBay India,,,,,,,,,, amongst others. These companies will offer special deals to first time buyers, offer ‘steal deals’ on jewelry, shoes, apparel, travel packages, books, health and fitness equipment, home décor and real estate. All buyers will also avail free shopping across India.
In USA, Cyber Monday was declared on 26th November, 2012; the week after Thanksgiving and shoppers across the country spent $1.46 billion- the heaviest online sale. If the world continues to exist after 12th December, we would know whether Indian shoppers too are equal opportunity grabbers. After all, a good deal is a good deal. Keep your credit and debit cards handy, to shop till you drop!